Abyss of Fatigue V2

Friday, March 21, 2008

Time zone

I prefer the time where the sun rises in West Malaysia. For the rest of the world, the dawn and dusk comes earlier. Having said that, West Malaysia (and Singapore) is the weirdo in this case because we follow the time in East Malaysia.

Working with people in different time zone has its pros and cons. For me, since I'm handling Asia Pacific region, the total difference in my region is less than 5 hours (+2 for Aust and -3 for India relative to Bolehland/Beijing).

When we call for a meeting, we need to consider their lunch time, login time and logout time. Pity an Aussie colleague when I had to make him attend a 9pm meeting (Aust time).

Pros? We can work more efficiently as in our company works 24 hours. By the time I get into office, the Australian has submitted his portion. As I work through the day, the others will submit theirs.


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